The Island on Bird Street (1997)

The Island on Bird Street (1997)

1.37 GiB | 1h 43mn | 1 761 Kbps | 656x480
Denmark , UK
 In the gloomy town of occupied Poland wave after wave, there is a filtration of the local population, when the troops were local assistants to the Gestapo with the support of the SS soldiers picking out hiding in the cracks of the few Jews who still support life in the empty ghetto. Somewhere, in one of the houses, the apartment on the top floor behind a wall wardrobe, asylum was a decade of Alex, who, as he could, protecting his father and an elderly uncle Baruch. Between child running about in the fresh air and playing hide and seek with the annoying soldiers of the Wehrmacht boy avidly read your favorite book about Robinson Crusoe and he did it out loud to hear bright white mouse brightened his gloomy life. And when relatives took over the barbed wire of the camp fence, tailed friend was the only companion Alex, left alone to wait for the return of her father among the ruins of the broken bomb the building on a desert island Bird street, where, like Robinson, he began fighting for their existence.