Le petit garçon (1995)

Le petit garçon (1995)
Le petit garçon (1995) Download

701 MB | 1h 40mn | 873 Kbps | 720x304
 The famous romance of the outstanding French Director Pierre Granier-Differ. Its action takes place during the second world war in a provincial French town, where eight-year-old boy, Francois moved with his family from the horrors of war from Paris, and where he learns the meaning of love and betrayal. In the town next door live teacher that loves the boy's father. Shortly after his father's hiding in the basement of the family house Jewish refugees from Poland, to daughter which Francois has a and, thus, endangers and their families, and refugees themselves. The real danger came when the house is infused high-ranking German officer and his men, who has no idea who lives with him under one roof. Great acting and a wonderful image of the young France has provided extraordinary popularity of the film.