Du er ikke alene (1978)

Du er ikke alene (1978)
Du er ikke alene (1978) Download

1.28 GiB | 1h 30mn | 1 899 Kbps | 720x400
 Private boarding school for teenagers is full cocky boys, not to overlook a single opportunity to confront the adult world. Bold discussions with teachers in the classroom, rather frivolous outings with the girls from the neighbouring school, pictures of penthouse on the walls, skirmishes with the local village boys, boycott, hosted the teachers for trying to exclude one of the pupils. But it's outside. And inside many of them — ordinary boys, gentle and trusting, longing for affection, attention and care. They may cry at night, remembering parents, hug in the shower, to build together their own little imaginary worlds. And of course, they can fall in love. Someone in girls. Someone in my friend...