Préparez vos mouchoirs (1978)

Préparez vos mouchoirs (1978)
Préparez vos mouchoirs (1978) Download

781 MB | 1h 44mn | 925 Kbps | 576x352
 Raoul is in love with his wife, but it is so rare achievement did not touch them. Solange physically healthy, but impenetrable insensitive, let alone how to get pregnant, and can be no question. She only does that knits, literally enveloping the world around them sluggish, but the tenacious bonds. The hapless pair met in the restaurant, the gym teacher Stefan – he is Raul and tries to impose his wife for a lover to Wake her dormant feelings. But instead, she just casually falls in love with a new "friend of the family", and then surprisingly passionately having an affair with a thirteen year old teenager at summer camp, where Stefan moonlights as a coach...