Acla / La discesa di Aclà a Floristella (1992)

Acla / La discesa di Aclà a Floristella (1992)

901 MB | 1h 24mn | 1 291 Kbps | 640x480
 Chronicles the life of Sicily 30-ies. 11 year old boy named Acla parents sell the owner of the underground mine, which produces sulfur, where the fact has to work every day except Sunday to help feed the family. Cruel master often beat him, approached sexual harassment, as homosexual relationships in those days, for Sicily is the norm. In this hell arose the dream of the sea, by which you can reach the fabulous country of Australia. It has long lived adult married sister, who occasionally writes letters, sends some money... is it Possible, living on the island, dreaming of the sea? You can, if it is insanely far away. For a boy – the same as Australia. But the dream he tried to implement...